Where is TransMedics’ corporate headquarters?
The TransMedics corporate headquarters is located at 200 Minuteman Road, Suite 302, Andover, MA 01810
Where is TransMedics incorporated?
TransMedics Group, Inc. is incorporated in Massachusetts
On what stock exchange are TransMedics’ shares traded, and what is the ticker symbol?
The TransMedics ticker is TMDX and it is traded on the NASDAQ exchange.
Does TransMedics have a direct stock purchase plan?
TransMedics does not currently have a direct stock purchase plan.
Where can I find all of TransMedics’ SEC filings? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other SEC filings, can be accessed on the
SEC Filings portion of our Investor Relations website or directly from the SEC at
What is TransMedics’ fiscal year?
Our fiscal year ends on the last Saturday in December, and we report fiscal years using a 52/53-week convention. Under this convention, certain fiscal years contain 53 weeks. Each fiscal year is typically composed of four 13-week fiscal quarters, but in years with 53 weeks, the fourth quarter is a 14-week period.
Does TransMedics pay dividends?
TransMedics has not paid dividends.
Who is TransMedics’ auditor?
TransMedics’ is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).
Who is TransMedics’ transfer agent?
TransMedics uses American Stock Transfer & Trust Company.
(718) 921-8300 or (800) 937-5449 (American Stock Transfer & Trust Company Call Center is open Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM ET); Mail: 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
Who is TransMedics’ legal counsel?
TransMedics’ legal counsel is Ropes & Gray LLP.
Where can I find out more about TransMedics?
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
Who makes up the TransMedics’ Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?